序号 作者 论文标题 刊物名称 年/卷(期)/页码
1 陈祥侨, 涂佳黄, 周岱, 秦凯, 朱忠义 某大型机场航站楼结构风载体型系数的数值模拟 上海交通大学学报 2011,45(4):517-522//
2 金瑶 湖北省梁子湖可持续利用探讨 南方农村 //
3 Wenzhong Zheng, Baifu Luo(通讯作者), Ying Wang Compressive and tensile properties of reactive powder concrete with steel fibres at elevated temperatures Construction and Building Materials 41//844-851
4 Wenbo Ma, Qiuhua Rao, Feng Xu, Kang Feng Impact Compressive Creep Characteristics of Simulative Soil for Deep-sea Sediment Marine Georesources & Geotechnology //
5 Wenzhong Zheng, Baifu Luo*, Ying Wang Compressive and tensile properties of reactive powder concrete with steel fibres at elevated temperatures Construction and Building Materials 41//844-851
6 Wenzhong Zheng, Baifu Luo(通讯作者), Ying Wang Compressive and tensile properties of reactive powder concrete with steel fibres at elevated temperatures Construction and Building Materials 41//844-851
7 Wenbo Ma, Qiuhua Rao, Feng Xu, Kang Feng Impact Compressive Creep Characteristics of Simulative Soil for Deep-sea Sediment Marine Georesources & Geotechnology //
8 周岱(导师), 涂佳黄, 黄橙 改进大涡模拟方法及其在建筑结构风场模拟中的应用 建筑结构学报 31(增刊 2): 170-175//
9 涂佳黄,周岱,马晋,鲁佳宝 剪切来流作用下圆柱体结构物的两自由度流致振动 上海交通大学学报 2014, 48(2):47-55//
10 涂佳黄, 周岱, 李俊龙 基于稳定化流体有限元方法的含檐口双坡屋面风压风载分析 上海交通大学学报 2012, 46(1):119-125//
11 Zhaolong Han, Dai Zhou, 涂佳黄Jiahuang Tu Congqi Fang, Tao He. Flow over two side-by-side square cylinders by CBS finite element scheme of Spalart-Allmaras model Ocean Engineering 2014, 87: 40-49//
12 Zhaolong Han, Dai Zhou, 涂佳黄Jiahuang Tu Wake-Induced Vibrations of a Circular Cylinder behind a Stationary Square Cylinder using a Semi-Implicit Characteristic-Based Split Scheme Journal of Engineering Mechanics(ASCE) 2014, 140(8):04014059//
13 Zhaolong Han, Dai Zhou, 涂佳黄Jiahuang Tu On the patterns of laminar flow around three side-by-side arranged circular cylinders using a semi-implicit three-step Taylor-characteristic-based-split (3-TCBS) algorithm Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 2013, 17(1):1-12//
14 Yan Bao, Dai Zhou, 涂佳黄Jiahuang Tu Flow characteristics of two in-phase oscillating cylinders in side-by-side arrangement Computers and Fluids 2013, 7: 124-145//
15 Yan Bao, Dai Zhou, 涂佳黄Jiahuang Tu Flow interference between a stationary cylinder and an elastically mounted cylinder arranged in proximity Journal of Fluids and Structures 2011, 27:1425-1446//
16 涂佳黄Jiahuang Tu, Dai Zhou, Yan Bao, Zhaolong Han, Rudi Li Flow characteristics and flow-induced forces of a stationary and rotating triangular cylinder with different incidence angles at low Reynolds numbers Journal of Fluids and Structures 2014, 45:107-123//
17 方志, 张国刚, 唐盛华, 陈素君 混凝土斜拉桥动力有限元建模与模型修正 中国公路学报 2013,26(3),77-85//
18 张国刚, 方志, 唐盛华, 陈素君, 陈峰 面向健康诊断的混凝土斜拉桥模型设计与分析 中国工程科学 2012, 14(11):49-56//
19 陈素君,张国刚, 唐盛华, 方志 斜拉桥初始平衡构形的确定方法 公路交通科技 2011,2(2),57-63//
20 Fang Zhi, Fan FengHong, 唐盛华Tang ShengHua Behaviors of Super-Long Span Cable-Stayed Bridge with Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) Girder Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts 2008,10, 1717-1721//
21 方志,唐盛华,何鑫 预应力混凝土简支箱梁足尺模型试验及非线性全过程分析 中国工程科学 2012, 14(10):73-81//
22 陈素君,唐盛华,张国刚,方志 混凝土斜拉桥长期性能试验研究 中国公路学报 2011, 24(4), 39-49//
23 方志,唐盛华,张国刚,陈素君,董优 基于多状态下静动态测试数据的斜拉桥模型修正 中国公路学报 2011,24(1),34-41//
24 Zhi Fang, 唐盛华Shenghua Tang, Guogang Zhang Objective Functions Using Different Residuals for Model Updating NDE/NDT for Highways and Bridges Structural Materials Technology (SMT) 2010,8,663-670//
25 唐盛华, 方志 考虑中间支撑的拉索等效索长计算方法 振动与冲击 2013, 32(7): 82- 87//