龙激波 论文发表情况列表
序号 论文标题 作者 刊物级别 刊物名称 论文期号 CN号 发表时间
1 Study on energy-saving operation of a combined heating system of solar hot water and air source heat pump 龙激波,夏奎明,钟会会,路昊霖,阿勇噶 Energy Conversion and Management Volume 229, 1 February 2021, 113624 0000-00-00
2 Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Entrained Air during the Particle Flow Fall Process, Hongfa Sun(孙宏发), Angui Li, Jibo Long(龙激波), Jifu Wu,Wenrong Zhang, Jing Zhang. SCI Powder Technology, 2020, 374:421-429 2020-07-17
3 Study on solar energy utilization characteristics of a solar building integrated wall 龙激波*,卢姣,姜孟庭,杜安然,张睿超,阿勇嘎 SCI Applied Thermal Engineering 175 (2020) 115289 (SCI IF4.026) 2020-04-28
4 Vertical temperature distribution characteristics and adjustment methods of a Trombe wall 龙激波*,姜孟庭,卢姣,杜安然. Building and Environment 165 (2019) 106386 (SCI,IF4.820) 2019-08-31
5 太阳能空气能一体化热泵蒸发器能效的实验研究 罗婷,张睿超,刘富贵,龙激波* 湘潭大学自然科学学报2019, 41(2):77-84 2019-05-30
6 Heat transfer performance of an integrated solar-air source heat pump evaporator. 龙激波*,张睿超,卢姣,许福. Energy Conversion and Management 184 (2019) 626-635. (SCI,IF6.377) 2019-02-15
7 Thermal insulation performance of a trombe wall combined with collector and reflection layer in hot summer and cold winter zone. 龙激波*,阿勇嘎,孙宏发. Energy and buildings 171 (2018):144-154.(SCI,IF4.457) 2018-05-20
8 一种光热建筑一体化Trombe墙体系统传热性能研究 龙激波*,阿勇嘎,王泉,王平. 土木建筑与环境工程.2018, 40(1):141-148. 2018-01-30
9 地表水地源热泵系统冷热源利用的节能评价 龙激波,李念平,阮芳,黄思怡 湖南大学学报自然科学版.2014, 41(2):47-51. 2014-03-01
10 新型竹材结构建筑的热湿失效机理分析 龙激波,李念平,阮芳,黄思怡 安全与环境学报.2013, 13(5):155-158. 2013-10-30
11 竹筋混凝土的热湿应力分析 龙激波,李念平,王倩 湖南大学学报自然科学版.2010, 37(12):1-6. 2010-12-30
12 Study on energy-saving operation of a combined heating system of solar hot water and air source heat pump 龙激波,夏奎明,钟会会,路昊霖,阿勇噶 SCI Energy Conversion and Management Volume 229, 1 February 2021, 113624 0000-00-00
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